Sunday, 10 September 2017

Wonderful Grandparents reading to us today after the Parade!

The Grandparents of Rose, Valentina, Lockie, Diamon and Max Holmes read to groups of children today and joined us for morning tea. Thank you so much for coming into our classroom - we hope you visit again soon!

Max's Grandma!

Diamon's Poppa.

Rose's Nana and Poppa!

Valentina's Nan!

Lockie's Grandad!

Let the Parade begin!

Let the Parade begin!

Wild Things create a rumpus in our classroom!

The furniture was turned upside down and all manner of mess was made!

There were wild footprints all over the floor! We decided to make paper masks to scare those wild things away and during DEAR (drop everything and read) we put them on just in case!

Literacy Week sees our Author in Residence - Stu Duval

Our first session was on writing and making stories from story telling. Stu told us the story of Rat Island which he told his sons and then wrote a book about it. 
Stu also showed us how he draws his illustrations with chalk pastels and drew a stunning picture of Skull Island!
In his second session he demonstrated cartooning to us all and had us spellbound as he directed quite simply how to create pictures from lines and squiggles!

Teach the Teacher in the last 2 weeks!

Felicia teaches us the chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda as a gradual process. Her assistants were Chantelle and Karol.

Alex makes Gloop with cornflour and water - it was an interesting observation and we can all try it at home!

Leena showed us how to draw traditional Afghani Mehndi patterns on hands. They are used for special occasions like weddings. My pattern was beautiful Leena!  

Arad with his assistant, Quinn, about to making an erupting volcano! Fantastic model Arad - you put a lot of thought into your demonstration!