As part of our Inquiry into How Our Behaviour Impacts on the Sea, we posed the open question of 'Why do sea creatures eat rubbish'?
Here we have some ordinary plastic bags from the supermarket shaped like jelly fish floating in the sea. We have looked at photos taken by marine biologists all over the world of such sights. So how does that affect the eating habits of the creatures that eat the jelly fish?
Mrs Venville worked with us to brainstorm our ideas and we recorded them to refer to as we go through our Inquiry.
Next Room 20 made our own Scientific investigations using our own ideas and observation skills:
What do I notice about the photographs? Compare the 2
What do I think about them?
What do I wonder? What could I use instead of a plastic bag?
Here is a starting point for our own individual Inquiry study which can be found in our own Google Drive under Inquiry headed Question. We all have our own opinions about this problem - take a look and discuss the issue with your child.
Using plastic bottles and plastic bags again (- goodness we have a lot of those around!) we made a jellyfish in a bottle. When the sun shines through the blue coloured water it looks like a jellyfish floating in the sea. So if you were a turtle/ penguin /dolphin looking for food like a jellyfish you might eat this plastic bag by mistake. The plastic collects in the stomach and never fully breaks down. That made us feel a bit unhappy and sad for the sea creatures as they don't have any control over the plastic that is found in the sea.
So our conclusions are that there are plenty of alternatives to plastic bags and there is no excuse for saying no to a plastic bag!