Monday, 27 February 2017


Around 3000 classes are taking part in Get New Zealand Writing and Room 20 is one of them! We have been sent a box with all sorts of things inside to do for our Writing Project. It was very exciting to open it up last week. Inside was also the address of the class we are writing to. We discovered it was a class in Longbeach in the South Island. CAN YOU FIND THIS PLACE ON A MAP OF NEW ZEALAND AND SHOW US AT SCHOOL?
 When we have completed our Found Poetry Art we will send it down south and they will send us their Project. It's like having a Class Pen Pal! We have until next Friday to complete our Writing Project and have it ready to be picked up by courier !! 
Our first task was to find out all sorts of things about ourselves and share them by recording them on the big poster below. We have almost finished it.

Here are our answers so far! 

 Next we had to learn about Metaphors and what they describe when we read or write them.
We read a Poem together called Iain Sharpe and identified the metaphors we read. We drew what we think the metaphors are describing, and the person, and how he looks and acts.

Then we started writing our own poetry about ourselves using the starter  I am a car I ...
You can read these in our Google Docs under Writing.
Next we will choose a favourite line and transfer it to the postcard below:

We will each write a line of our poem, including the metaphor, on the back of a postcard.

Here is the front of the postcard. We must make this super colourful! When all 30 postcards are put together they will read a Found Poem.

 Now back to our class project!

Lockie is doing a survey for the poster - can you roll your tongue?

Lauren and Sophie are finding out how many siblings we have.

Felicia and Franca are cutting out interesting words from magazines and newspapers to create a Found Poem later.

Rose is doing a survey too - can you lick your elbow? Lucas, Robert and Max M are drawing a map of our classroom.

Tiffany is drawing the weather report for the class at Longbeach School so they can see what the weather is like up here.

Treehouses are all completed with great enthusiasm and design flair!

Leena's model is full of furniture!

Franca has spent a great deal of time re-adjusting and improving her model. 

Athena and Tiffany work together on Athena's model.

Chantelle has a multi storey tree house!

Lauren has used both beautiful and practical materials.

Diamon had super ideas to share.

Terry had so many interesting ideas - I would love to live in your tree house.

Karol has a beautiful design and a super ladder structure.

Valentina has planned and carefully built her model treehouse with great patience.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Architects we may be!

Our Tree Hut Tree houses begin to take shape!

With the fantastic help of our Buddy Class R6 and the lovely Miss Coffer we have been so busy using recycled materials collected from home to make our Tree Houses - just like we read about in the Tree Hut Treaty Book!

Friday, 17 February 2017

Our class environment is filling up fast lots of action and doing in Room 20

The CEO of the day sits here - Mrs T's right hand person!

The Round Seat is for the PA who is invaluable to Mrs T and the CEO. The wobbly seats are for those chosen by the CEO who can wobble and wibble as much as they like!

Congratulations to all our Triathletes who competed in the WeetBix Triathlon on the Weekend - you are great ambassadors for our school!

Alex and Lockie are caring for our Tiger Worms at the moment! The Staff room worm bin and Middle Syndicate Worm Bin are emptied into here along with water and shredded card. 

It's a dirty job and you have to be brave with those tiger worms roaring at you! Such brave Eco Warriors!

Here is our Korowai all complete with feathers describing what a member of Whanau 20 needs to be. Underneath are our Whare with Kowhaiwhai patterns chosen to surround photos of our Whanau pictures. 

We all have a role to play in our class and these are important roles for everyone to take responsibility for. Use your initiative and be self managing.